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Pikachu, the Electric-type Pokemon, stepped onto the Pokemon scene in 1996 through the Red and Blue games. It’s that cute, yellow Pokemon with the lightning bolt tail! Pikachu evolves from Pichu and later evolves into Raichu. Known for its electric moves and friendly nature, Pikachu quickly became the face of Pokemon, stealing the hearts of trainers worldwide.

These are my views at the time of writing this article.  Over time the value of cards will change of course but I think these specific Pokemon cards will withstand that test.

Top 4 Most Expensive Pikachu Cards

1. Illustrator Pikachu (Pokemon Illustrator Promo):
– Card Number: Unnumbered (Promo cards typically lack set numbers).
– Limited card with unique artwork.

Pikachu illustrator card

2. Trophy Pikachu (Trophy Promo):
– Card Number: Unnumbered (Promo cards typically lack set numbers).
– Given as a prize for Pokemon Card Game Illustration Contests.

Trophy Pikachu

3. Pikachu World Collection Card (World Collection Promo):
– Card Number: Unnumbered (Promo cards typically lack set numbers).
– Issued during Pokemon World Championships, a rare gem.

4. Pikachu (Base Set 1st Edition):
– Card Number: #58/102 (Base Set 1st Edition).
– First edition card, a collector’s delight.
 Pikachu (Base Set 1st Edition)

Top 9 Rarest Pikachu Cards:

1. Pikachu Illustrator (1998 Pikachu Illustrator Promo):
– Card Number: Unnumbered (Promo cards typically lack set numbers).
– Very limited and exclusive card.

Pikachu illustrator card

2. Trophy Pikachu (Trophy Promo):
– Card Number: Unnumbered (Promo cards typically lack set numbers).
– Prize card for contest winners, making it rare.

Trophy Pikachu

3. Pikachu World Collection Card (World Collection Promo):
– Card Number: Unnumbered (Promo cards typically lack set numbers).
– Released during Pokemon World Championships, hard to find.

4. Pikachu Gold Star (EX Holon Phantoms):
– Card Number: #104/110 (EX Holon Phantoms).
– Shiny Gold Star variant, a rare discovery.

Pikachu Gold Star

5. Pikachu (Base Set 1st Edition):
– Card Number: #58/102 (Base Set 1st Edition).
– First edition card from the original set.
Pikachu (Base Set 1st Edition)

6. Pikachu (Wizards Black Star Promo):
– Card Number: #4 (Wizards Black Star Promo).
– Rarity is boosted as part of the Black Star Promo series.

Pikachu (Wizards Promo 4)

7. Pikachu (Neo Genesis 1st Edition):
– Card Number: #70/111 (Neo Genesis 1st Edition).
– First edition card from the Neo Genesis set.

Pikachu Neo Genesis 1st Edition

8. Pikachu (Skyridge Reverse Holo):
– Card Number: #84/144 (Skyridge).
– Rare and visually striking reverse holo card.


9. Pikachu (POP Series 5):
– Card Number: #5 (POP Series 5).
– Promo card from POP Series 5, adding to its scarcity.

Pikachu (POP Series 5)

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